With slightly less giddy anticipation than the annual fan frenzy evoked by the Academy Awards and the Emmys, the nation awaits another hotly competitive yearly awards ceremony. Yes, Nation of Immigrators, it’s time to announce the 2014 winners and losers in dysfunctional immigration law and policy who’ve earned the coveted (or disdained) IMMI Award. Some
IMMI Awards
The 2013 Nation of Immigrators Awards – The IMMIs Are Announced
Hindsight, the armchair pundits say, is 20-20. The year 2013 has proven them wrong.
The end-of-year’s rear-view mirror onto the world of U.S. immigration shows impenetrable fog. Unsurprisingly, as filmgoers know, vapory views of the recent past tend to diminish the apparent significance of events occurring early in the year (“never has a film…
2013 Nation of Immigrators Awards Coming Soon — IMMI Nominees Welcome
Yes, it’s that time of year. NationOfImmigrators.com is preparing its annual list of the year’s best and worst in immigration policy and law. Here is your chance as an immigration stakeholder — an Immigrator — to help us crowdsource the best and worst categories and the people and organizations to name as Nation of Immigrators’…
Dear Immigration Director: Let Our Dreamers Go!
I was escorted to the woodshed on January 15, a very public woodshed, and deservedly so. Alejandro (Ali) Mayorkas, the Director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), politely took me to task at a Public Engagement during the Q & A session when I raised two points. One involves the subject of a…
The 2012 Nation of Immigrators Awards – The IMMIs
As we count out the final hours of 2012, let’s recall the highs and lows of the past year in America’s dysfunctional immigration ecosphere.
Nation of Immigrators is pleased to confer its third annual IMMI Awards. (Full disclosure: As in past years, these are my personal choices. If you disagree or believe I’ve missed an…
2012 Nation of Immigrators Awards Coming Soon — IMMI Nominees Welcome
It’s that time of year. NationOfImmigrators.com is preparing its annual list of the year’s best and worst in immigration policy and law. Here is your chance as an immigration stakeholder — an Immigrator — to help us crowdsource the best and worst categories and the people and organizations to name as Nation of Immigrators’ biggest…
Rendering unto the Immigration Caesars
Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s …
Jesus of Nazareth, Matthew 22:21
I send greetings to all those observing Public Service Recognition Week 2012. Each day, our country benefits from the efforts of dedicated Federal, state, and local government employees who do their jobs with pride and passion. So many of these men…
The 2011 Nation of Immigrators Awards – The IMMIs
As the ocean of time washes 2011 away, the eyes of the immigration world turn once again in heady anticipation to the annual IMMI Awards. Although not as hyped or well-known as the EMMYs or OSCARs, or as festive as the Golden Globes, this annual offering of plaudits or pickles to the year’s best and…
The 2010 Nation of Immigrators Awards – The IMMIs
As the year 2010 — a lost decade of failed immigration opportunities — draws to a close, let’s look back at 365 days of immigration dysfunction – American style.
Nation of Immigrators hereby confers its first annual IMMI Awards. (Full disclosure: There is no nominating committee for the IMMIs. These are my personal choices. If…