Terabytes of text have already been generated in the course of extolling or excoriating President Obama for his November 20 Executive Actions on Immigration. The prolific foaming of bloviating mouths has mostly been prompted by the promise of deferred action and work permits for undocumented immigrants under the DACA and DAPA programs. Surprisingly, however, his
DHS Technology Reforms
The New I-9: Why Now When We Need Immigration Amnesty for Employers?
The New I-9:
Why Now When We Need Immigration Amnesty for Employers?
By Nicole Kersey and Angelo A. Paparelli
Irony was plentiful last week in Washington and around the country.
One particularly hawkish Republican, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (who never met a war-on-terror strategy he disliked), glommed onto Senator Rand Paul’s filibustery…
The 2012 Nation of Immigrators Awards – The IMMIs
As we count out the final hours of 2012, let’s recall the highs and lows of the past year in America’s dysfunctional immigration ecosphere.
Nation of Immigrators is pleased to confer its third annual IMMI Awards. (Full disclosure: As in past years, these are my personal choices. If you disagree or believe I’ve missed an…
Rendering unto the Immigration Caesars
Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s …
Jesus of Nazareth, Matthew 22:21
I send greetings to all those observing Public Service Recognition Week 2012. Each day, our country benefits from the efforts of dedicated Federal, state, and local government employees who do their jobs with pride and passion. So many of these men…
RFID and the Immigration Surveillance Society: New DHS U.S. Visit Pilot Program to Use RFID Tagging to Track I-94 Admission Documents for all Nonimmigrants
Planning to work, engage in business or research, tour or study in the United States? Thinking about entering the country from one of the land borders in Arizona, New York or Washington State? Well if you are, then you will be enrolled in a new Homeland Security Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) pilot program at the land ports of Nogales East (Deconcini) and Nogales West (Mariposa) in Arizona; Alexandria Bay (Thousand Islands) in New York; and Pacific Highway and Peace Arch in Washington State.
Continue Reading RFID and the Immigration Surveillance Society: New DHS U.S. Visit Pilot Program to Use RFID Tagging to Track I-94 Admission Documents for all Nonimmigrants