Concept of cognitionSocial media flamed with expressions of outrage, relief and tepid optimism ever since President Obama announced on March 23, 2015 the release of long-awaited  policy guidance on a key temporary worker visa category:

Today, I’m pleased to announce a new action I’m also taking to make it easier for global companies who are present here

Raj 2.JPGOver the 4th of July weekend, I devoured a fascinating book and, in the course of it, learned a new synonym for “bureaucracy”  — “cutcherry” — taken from Hindi and apparently originating with the British East-India Company’s bureau office in what is now Chennai.

The book, The Professor and the Madman ~

Voltaire 2.jpgFrench philosopher and aphorist, François-Marie Arouet, better known by his nom de plume, Voltaire, wrote in Italian that “Il meglio è l’inimico del bene [the perfect is the enemy of the good].”

The wisdom of this saying, championed by pragmatists everywhere, comes to mind upon reading a May 30, 2013 Policy Memorandum (PM)

kid on a toy plane.jpg

I was escorted to the woodshed on January 15, a very public woodshed, and deservedly so.  Alejandro (Ali) Mayorkas, the Director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), politely took me to task at a Public Engagement during the Q & A session when I raised two points. One involves the subject of a

fighter jet.jpgLast week, the American Council on International Personnel (ACIP) convened its 40th annual symposium in Pentagon City VA, just outside Washington DC, an event attended by scores of immigration managers and corporate counsel hailing from Fortune 500 and Forbes 100 companies.

A week earlier, on the other side of the globe, hedge funds and

Julius Caesar.jpgRender unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s … 

Jesus of Nazareth, Matthew 22:21

I send greetings to all those observing Public Service Recognition Week 2012. Each day, our country benefits from the efforts of dedicated Federal, state, and local government employees who do their jobs with pride and passion. So many of these men

Light at the end of the tunnel.jpgThe Occupy Wall Street movement began with a poster, a word cloud, a QR Code and three lines of text:


September 17th. Bring tent.

Steve Jobs launched his massively successful “Think Different” rebranding campaign for Apple in 1997 with a TV commercial and this script:

Here’s to the Crazy Ones.