President Trump’s October 9, 2019 overtures landed as music to the ears of many grizzled immigration lawyers who persistently suffer battle fatigue from the culture of virtually never.  On that day the President released a double album, each with artfully penned liner notes:

Much digital ink has already been spilled reporting on the phantom tide of undocumented migrants supposedly breaching our Southern border.  This article will address a different, but very-real immigration flood, and suggest ways U.S. employers, noncitizens, and their lawyers ought be emboldened to add to the deluge.

Ironically, it is about a dry subject –

caution tape woman.jpgWith the 2012 presidential campaign in full throb, candidates Obama and Romney are embracing “the vision thing” — that nemesis of the first President Bush whose reelection effort reportedly failed because he did not “frame his positions on individual issues in a compelling and unified manner.” The two de facto nominees paint a