[Blogger’s note; Probably the most gratifying element of practicing immigration law is watching clients flourish. Obtaining immigration benefits, especially lawful permanent residency, often unleashes a wave of innovation and creativity. Less often, it produces a humanitarian “pay it forward” moment. This is the story of today’s guest blogger, Protima Pandey. Many years ago, I
Family Immigration
The Immigration Pony in Eric Cantor’s Defeat
The usual voices said trite things when a sliver of Richmond, Virginia Republican primary voters last Tuesday rejected Eric Cantor’s bid to continue as Majority Leader in the House of Representatives. With a margin of just over 7,200 votes out of roughly 62,000 cast, David Brat, a college economics professor and Johnny-one-note who beat the…
Immigration Voices – Immigration Reform Must Redress the Current Law’s Gender Biases
[Blogger’s note: Once again the prolific and ever lucid Careen Shannon offers fresh insights on another facet of our dysfunctional immigration system. Today, she shows why gender bias taints America’s immigration system, and what should be done to eliminate structural bias as part of comprehensive immigration reform.]
Immigration Reform Must Redress the Current Law’s
No Time for Rich-Whining, CIR Advocates Must Stay Focused on the Senate
While most of the nation fixated this week on black and brown American heroes in Cleveland, the attention of immigration advocates diverged. They vacillated between delight with the imploding anti-immigration conservative movement and nail-biting over votes on a flood of amendments to the massive, bipartisan Gang of Eight bill in the Senate Judiciary Committee.…
The Immigration Line is Too Damn Long (and Slow)
Steadfastly opposing a path to citizenship for unauthorized immigrants, the anti-immigration crowd has long trumpeted an array of related memes:
- Why don’t they just get into line like everyone else?
- Why don’t they wait their turn?
- Why don’t they just follow the law?
- Why should we reward lawbreakers who disrespect our laws?
- Why should those
House GOP Says Immigrant Suffering Hurts Less Than Citizen Suffering
Bipartisan outrage erupted in the House last week, with usually loyal Republicans among the most furious and outspoken in the GOP-controlled chamber. Rep. Peter King, a Long Island Republican, chastised House leaders for conduct that is “absolutely inexcusable . . . absolutely indefensible.” Declaiming that “we cannot just walk away from our responsibilities,” King…
The Senate Must Modify Its Filibuster Rules to Pass Comprehensive Immigration Reform
“ And there took place . . . [in the U.S. Senate] so many “extended discussions” of measures to keep them from coming to a vote that the device got a name, “filibuster,” from the Dutch word vrijbuiter, which means “freebooter” or “pirate,” and which passed into the Spanish as filibustero, because the sleek…
Immigration by Chance — Save the DV Green Card Lottery
Despite all the post-election talk of a chastened GOP promising flexibility on comprehensive immigration reform (CIR), Republicans seem more determined than ever to reduce the number of green cards issued annually. They would do so by eliminating the Diversity Visa lottery. Their latest ante is a miserly family-unity sweetener to the failed STEM bill which…