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[Blogger’s note:  Today’s post is by guest columnist, John Klow.  John is one of the most knowledgeable private citizens who understands the inner workings of U.S. Customs and Border Protection.  In the post below, John elucidates the often opaque, behind-the-scenes process whereby an individual who is found inadmissible to the U.S. may apply for

Thumbnail image for wolf_howling_rear.jpgImmigration stakeholders howled with joy this week over an announcement by Janet Napolitano, the Secretary of Homeland Security (DHS), and the DHS agency, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), about the forthcoming publication of a new immigration regulation.

Usually, the intention to publish a rule is no cause for huzzahs.  But this Notice of Intent

skull.jpgMany dysfunctions within the immigration ecospace are disturbing, but some make my blood boil.  The conniption that brought me to this Howard Beale moment erupted after I belatedly read a Forbes online article, published last April, by Osha Gray Davis (A Death in Juarez: How U.S. Immigration Policy Is Tearing American Families Apart“). The Forbes piece reported on two