[Blogger’s Note: This week’s guest column is by Jennifer Oltarsh, an immigration lawyer practicing in Manhattan. She writes about how the tendency of Congress and the Obama Administration to require the incarceration of low-level immigration law violators without providing individualized determinations of whether a detainee will be released from custody has led to massive increases in the
Extreme Hardship
Faint Immigration Praise
“Damn with faint praise, assent with civil leer And, without sneering, teach the rest to sneer” ~ Alexander Pope, poet, satirist, and translator, “Epistle to Dr Arbuthnot”
I hesitate to criticize the Obama Administration’s immigration reform measures, having urged long ago that half a loaf, at least for now, will perforce suffice. …
Power-Mad Career Immigration Bureaucrats Cry Wolf, Spook DHS Leaders
Immigration stakeholders howled with joy this week over an announcement by Janet Napolitano, the Secretary of Homeland Security (DHS), and the DHS agency, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), about the forthcoming publication of a new immigration regulation.
Usually, the intention to publish a rule is no cause for huzzahs. But this Notice of Intent…
Telling Immigration Stories: It’s Not Just about Code Sections
From the first prehistoric evenings sitting around campfires, humans have been telling stories. Heroic myths, fairy-tale fables, oral histories — all have been seared into heart and memory through the power of narrative. Civil and criminal trials are merely stylized forms of storytelling. Journalism’s hook, theatre’s Sturm und Drang, reality television’s sour and sweet confections —…
Legislatively Required, Bureaucratically Enabled Immigration Deaths
Many dysfunctions within the immigration ecospace are disturbing, but some make my blood boil. The conniption that brought me to this Howard Beale moment erupted after I belatedly read a Forbes online article, published last April, by Osha Gray Davis (“A Death in Juarez: How U.S. Immigration Policy Is Tearing American Families Apart“). The Forbes piece reported on two…