The usual voices said trite things when a sliver of Richmond, Virginia Republican primary voters last Tuesday rejected Eric Cantor’s bid to continue as Majority Leader in the House of Representatives. With a margin of just over 7,200 votes out of roughly 62,000 cast, David Brat, a college economics professor and Johnny-one-note who beat the
"Foreign Policy"
Immigration Voices – Careen Shannon: “Edward Snowden and the Politics of Asylum”
[Blogger’s note: Our guest blogger today is Careen Shannon, Of Counsel at Fragomen, Del Rey, Bernsen & Loewy, LLP and an Adjunct Professor of Law at the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law in New York. Careen Shannon and Austin Fragomen blog about immigration issues at Fragomen on Immigration. She writes to offer a…
Immigration Protectionism Costs America Billions
I worry a lot about the future facing America’s young adults. Saddled with Dickensian levels of college and grad-school debt, largely unable to find opportunities in their preferred careers, our young fear that they’ll be relegated to work in low-paid, dead-end jobs. They and their parents are rightly concerned that the middle class is disappearing,…
Hillary’s New Arsenal of Immigration Drones
The attention given the Obama Administration’s expanded use of aerial drones (of late in Pakistan, Yemen and Libya, at the U.S. border, and perhaps over other points unknown) to bombard unsuspecting targets and predictably, if not wilfully, cause civilian casulaties, may have distracted from other important meanings of the word. Webster’s Dictionary defines “drone” in four distinct…
America’s Creaking, Crotchety Immigration System — Not Ready for the Globalized World
Few observers predicted the profundity of global political changes in the first quarter of 2011.
The Middle East, still the source of most of the world’s energy, has witnessed civilian protestors toppling despots and prompting autocrats to invite foreign-state and mercenary armies to quell peaceful demonstrations and slaughter citizens. Libya’s never-predictable Muammar el-Qaddafi, having nearly routed indigenous rebels centered around…