The pattern by now is all too familiar. With the Trump Administration fully ensconced, the rollback of President Obama’s eight-year legacy continues. This time it involves the International Entrepreneur Regulation — an imperfect and burdensome rule that would have become effective last month had the Administration not  imposed a delay. The Obama-era rule created a

Corporations-are-not-people.jpgAt least by 1602 with the chartering of the Dutch East India Company, and perhaps as early as the 1300s with the formation of the first colleganza, a rudimentary joint-stock company set up in Venice to share the cost of a trade expedition, human beings and corporations have cohabited the earth.

Although the shared habitation of human and

Light at the end of the tunnel.jpgThe Occupy Wall Street movement began with a poster, a word cloud, a QR Code and three lines of text:


September 17th. Bring tent.

Steve Jobs launched his massively successful “Think Different” rebranding campaign for Apple in 1997 with a TV commercial and this script:

Here’s to the Crazy Ones.

Man in a Business Suit With Post-it Notes All Over Him.jpg[Blogger’s note:  Sincere thanks go to my colleague and friend, Karin Wolman, for giving me a writing respite during my summer vacation.  Karin’s latest guest post, like her prior ones, available here and here, critique USCIS policy changes that make it less likely that deserving workers, entrepreneurs and investors will receive the employment-based immigration benefits Congress intended